Wednesday, September 17, 2008

How Much Is That Doggy In The WIndow?

I walk by a pet store each and every day, and I stop and gawk at the puppies in the window each time. I mostly dislike pet stores and would prefer to get a dog through a breeder or the local humane shelter, but I can't help but fall in love with these pups. I wish I could save them all from their caged in E.T. when Elliot freed the frogs in science class. After my boyfriend's brother bought a little pup this past weekend, I was thiiissss close to getting one also. Then I thought about all the work and money it takes to have one of those guys and decided to remain pet-free. Sigh....I've always wanted my own smooshy-faced English Bulldog. Sigh again because I miss my fat-faced Hercules who lives in the Fort of Wayne with my parentals. 

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