Wednesday, August 20, 2008

P.D.A - Publicly Displayed Artwork

How many times do New Yorkers take a good look at their subway stations? Did you know the city has commissioned many artists to fill the underground, smelly, and hot subways with beautiful, one-of-a-kind, pieces of art?I have noticed the artwork at various stations, but I have never stopped to look at them. On my way home from the U.E.S. Tuesday evening, I transferred at the Times Square Station where I actually stopped to look at the dozens of pieces lined up in between the NRW and the 123. Wooow what detail these works of art have in them! If you haven't seen them, there are numerous mosaics displaying people of all ages, shapes, and ages doing different activities (first and second photos above). On the opposite side of the mosaics is a tiled wall with tiny dioramas all filled with different scenes, from figures of women in a cabaret scene to abstract boxes filled with many shapes and colors to a scene with a bird sitting on a bowl (last photo above). So next time you are in the subways, take a look and maybe you will admire these works of art as you would a Matisse or Dali, because they are truly beautiful things we New Yorkers take for granted. Here is a cool website with more subway art than I can talk about!

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