Thursday, April 30, 2009

Dumb-Dumb of the Week: Swine Flu

The dummy taking over the news this week is the Swine Flu pandemic spreading across the world. I've had every family member contact me to tell me to wash my hands and watch out for sick people. I won't lie, there was a man coughing in the subway and I was thinking about reporting him to the CDC, but then I was at my stop and decided to let him go free. Ok, not really, but I was a bit nervous. Isn't it crazy what the media can do? I'm not saying that this flu should be played down, but as long as people are cautious, seek medical assistance when needed, and stay away from the general public if they're sick...I believe we will all be fine.

A little song I conjured up for my non-friend the Swine Flu...
Shoo flu don't bother me, Shoo flu don't bother me, Shoo flu don't bother me, because I want to be healthy!

(Image via MedIll)

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