Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Dumb-Dumb of the Week: Plane Snatcher

A man by the name of Adam Dylan Leon (also known as Yavuz Berke in his native Turkey....how he became known as Adam Dylan Leon is a mind boggler to me) was arrested after he stole a plane during a flight lesson in Canada and was later found in Missouri. Adam's intention was to get the Air Force to follow him on his flight of craziness and to gun him down. Basically, Adam wanted to die. I'm not a proponent for suicide, but I think there are other ("easier") ways of committing suicide than stealing a plane and banking on the Air Force to shoot you down. Well, they never shot him down, so what did he do instead? He landed the plane on a dirt road, hitched a ride and got $2 for some food, went to a store, sat down with his Gatorade, and waited for the police to come. Now isn't that silly?

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