Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Life Is Good

(Above: My fav dessert from my former work place (Cork n Cleaver) called Mud Pie)
(Above: My parents always prepare my fav meals and this is one of them...bun thit nuong)
(Above: Rob and I at dinner with my fam)
(Above: Out to sushi with my aunt and cousins....I'm still dreaming about the Golden Roll)
(Above: My aunt Lien and uncle James)
(Above: My family and I at dinner)

I had a perfect week at home in Indiana. I was able to see many dear friends, be with my family, play with my dogs, and have my boyfriend take part in all those things. I could not ask for a better vacation, and I honestly mean that. Sure, I like the beach, sunshine, hot weather, dancing, and drinking....but I would rather spend what little time I have with my loved ones. Here are just a few pics of my fav parts of the week.

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