Monday, March 23, 2009

Dumb-Dumb of the Week: AIG

With AIG getting lots of shiznit for giving out a cajillion dollars in bonuses, they are now asking for the money back. NY State Attorney General, Andrew Cuomo, personally asked each of these people to give back those dollars (that they didn't earn anyway). 10 of the 9 people with the top bonuses have given it back, and 15 of the 20 with the second highest bonuses have given the money back. For those who have not or will not give back the money......well most of them are foreigners and don't give a damn.

Dear AIG,
This whole fiasco could have been avoided if you didn't dish out $165 million in bonuses. DUH. The cockroach I smooshed today could have told you that was a bad idea.

P.S. Could I have my tax money back please?

(Image via nationalpost)

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