Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Dumb-Dumb of the Week: Starface

An 18 year old Belgium girl, named Kimberley Vlaminck, was tattooed with 56 stars on her face and claims that it was the artist's fault. She claims she went to the tattoo parlor and asked for 3 stars on her face, when she fell asleep and woke up with a face full of stars. The tattoo artist said she asked for 56 stars exactly and was awake for the entire show. This beotch is crazy. Kimmy no likey and is suing the tattoo artist for how much it will cost to remove. Who falls asleep during a tattoo (on your face nonetheless)?

(Image and article inspiration via Dlisted)

1 comment:

ace said...

I think the girl is a liar. I find it hard to believe that a tattooist would do something like that against a person's will. How can someone even fall asleep and not feel the tattoo being performed? That just doesn't make any sense to me.