Saturday, May 14, 2011

Paleo Challenge: Day 1

Today marks my first day of the Paleo Challenge. What is that you ask? Well, it's a diet in which you eliminate any foods that are processed. This includes breads, pastas, oatmeal, legumes, dairy, tofu, etc. You mainly eat meats, fish, non-starchy vegetables, fruit (in moderation), and nuts and seeds (no peanuts because they are a legume). They say you can't eat cashews because they cannot be eaten raw without being processed when harvested; however, I will be eating these. Why? Since I cannot eat cheese, I have decided to experiment with cashew cheese, which is what vegans and/or raw foodist use. If they can eat it, so can I!

This Paleo Challenge is something a few of my co-workers and I decided to do. We all put in $10 and are giving ourselves 3 weeks to try it out. Whomever loses the most body weight percentage wins the money!

I'm going to the grocery today, so here is my shopping list:

* Iceberg lettuce (for lettuce wraps)
* Pine nuts
* Raw almonds
* Avocado
* Cauliflower (for mashed cauliflower)
* Coconut milk
* Eggs
* Portabellas
* Almond butter
* Kale
* Ground Turkey
* Beef (for making a stew)

What will I eat today? Well, you can eat eggs on this, so I plan on having an omelet with veggies for breakfast. Not sure what I will have for lunch and din, but I'll fill you in on my progress.

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