Tuesday, October 7, 2008

California Love

I just got back from a weekend in L.A. for my cousin's wedding and man was it wonderful. Most of my mom's family lives in Southern California, who I have not seen in 8 years. Eight years have gone by since I've seen my grandpa and other family members. I am totally appalled at this, and have vowed to never let this much time come in between us.

My mom is one of 7 children, 5 who live in California, as well as my only living grandfather. Not only do the 5 siblings live in Cali, but they live in the same neighborhood! I was able to spend time with my family this weekend, and it made me regret all the time I have missed with them. We have all aged, and the older I get, the more appreciative I am of my wonderful family. My grandfather (called 'Ong' or 'Ong Ngoai' in Vietnamese) is now walking with a cane. Although he is physically much older than I remember, he is still mentally alert and clearly aware of everything around him. This 87 year old man still takes walks to the beach and eats extremely healthy. He is probably healthier than I am!

Overall, I am still in "bliss" mode after seeing my family and believe I am truly blessed!

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