Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Hip Hipster

(Above: Got a close glimpse at the DJ masterminds working their magic)
(Above: They released massive white balloons for the crowd to toss around)

Rob and I went to see the electro DJ duo MSTRKRFT at Webster Hall last Friday, and man was it CrAzY! Just imagine 1000 young people stomping the floors, pumping fists, shaking mop-top haircuts, and rocking checkered scarves and skinny jeans. Of course I participated in all of this at the beginning of the show...until other people's sweat was dripping on me, a girl decided to crowd surf right on top of me, and the gangly boy next to me kept jumping on my toes. I definitely lost my energy and became annoyed during the rest of the show. Am I an old mee-maw in a 23 year old body?

At times, I consider myself a slight hipster....into non-mainstream music, thrifting, and culture....but when I roam the streets of Willamsburg, Brooklyn, or attend shows such as MSTRKRFT I see that I'm not at all a hipster. I'm too conservative and self-conscious to be one! I do care what others think, and I fall into pop culture just as easily as hipster culture. I'm still cool right?

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