Monday, July 6, 2009

NYC Pride 2009

(Above photo: Just trying to walk down my street to get home!)
(Above photo: Fliers, streamers, plastic shot glasses, lots of trash!)
(Above photo: I'm sorry sista, but that is the worst boob job I have ever seen)

2 weeks ago was the 2009 Pride Parade here in NYC. What made this year's event special was the celebration of the 40th Anniversary of the Stonewall Riots. What makes it cool for me is that the parade occurs in my neighborhood (on my street), and the historic Stonewall bar is on my way to work. What sucks is that it is impossible to get anywhere (took me 30 minutes to walk 3 blocks) and there is trash and grossness EVERYWHERE. I have many friends who or gay, and I believe they deserve the same rights as heterosexual couples. It's great to be in an area that is working hard for equality.

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