Sunday, August 9, 2009

Last Holiday

So I never thought a movie featuring Queen Latifah would make me thankful for life, but her movie, Last Holiday, is an uplifting and happy movie to see. To be honest, it's on TBS quite often and I watch it every time I run into it. Basically, Queen Latifah's character, Georgia Byrd is a woman full of what-ifs and dreaming of the possibilities. She works at a department store, saves every dime of her money for something bigger, never ate what she wanted (but loved to cook for others), and never took chances with a man she is interested in (LL Cool J nonetheless!). One day, after an accident, Georgia is told that she is terminally ill and only has 3 weeks to live. She doesn't tell anyone, and instead, she cashes some bonds her mother left her, took out her savings, and went to Europe to stay at a grandiose hotel. This is when Georgia lets loose. She flies first class, eats like a Queen, meets new friends, and really enjoys her last days. Should I tell you the rest? Maybe you should check it out, because this movie really motivates me to live life to the fullest because you never know when your last day will come.

(Pssst.....the movie has a happy ending).

(Image via impawards)

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