Tis the season for the finales of all my favorite shows. Yes, I'm a bit of a TV nerd, but it keeps me from spending money. So this is what I think....
Lost: Most loved it, I wanted more closure. Last season, some got off the island, but this season a lot of nothing happened. I was a bit upset with the following... Sun and Jin did not reunite, No one is really in love with Juliette, Is Jack crazy or not?, Is Ben a good guy or not?, What is the deal with Locke? Can any questions be answered?!!
Gossip Girl: SPOTTED...An awesome season finale ending with high school graduation.
YES...Chuck and Blair!
SO...Georgina, Dan, and Blair are all going to NYU? Serena will be at Brown? How will this work out?
HOORAY...Lily and Rufus are finally engaged!
UH-OH...Looks like the long lost son will be around the next season.
BLAH...I'm sooo over Nate and Vanessa (not that I ever cared about their boring story line).
P.S. I found myself oooing and ahhhing over Blair's headbands (No, I'm not over the headband thing...I love them still...don't judge) -- especially the gold rope one.
*One Tree Hill: This was a tear-jerker for me. A finale with a 99% of happyendings, except for Dan being hated by everyone in his life. I wish everyone could forgive him before he croaks! I'm just happy that baby Sawyer has BOTH parents. I'm happy that Brooke tells Julian she loves him. I love that Brooke's mom is being nice. I'm excited for Nathan to be in the NBA...finally. And the happy list goes on and on.
Soooo I'm embarrassed to admit this, but there are more finales that I've watched and loved, but choose not to discuss (in order for me to not look like a complete loser). Oh-me-oh-my.
(Image via