Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Little 500

(Above: Just one dirty pool in the lawn of a frat house, with my friends happily swimming in the brown water.)
(Above: No biggie, just a duck and frog mowing the lawn and playing golf)
(Above: A photo from freshman year with my lovely Alpha Chi's on our first Little 500)

Little 500... "World's Best College Weekend".

This weekend is yet another year of the infamous men's and women's bike races deemed "The World's Best College Weekend" and is known as Little 500. To those of us who did not dedicate an entire year of intense training and hard work with the goal of winning the title; we drank and partied all week long. This is no joke people. Starting the Sunday before the race (which is always the following Saturday) we drank morning, noon, and night. If we even went to class that week, we went drunk or with intentions of drinking right after. There were large concerts in the lawns of frat houses, slip n slides at dorms, skipping class and having cookouts in the middle of the day, Swamp Water (Pi Kapps!!), themed parties, happy hours.....oh the memories.

I'm glad that I can look back at those 4 wonderful years at IU and say that I had a hell of a good time.

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