Pull out your fire extinguishers and aim it my no-no, because I think it's about to explode. Prince Hot Ginge is cumming on the nape of my neck. Sorry, I'm jumping the ginge. Prince Hot Ginge is coming to AMERICA! Not only America, but New York City! We will be breathing the same air! Does that mean if I stuck my tongue into the NYC air and wriggle it around a bit, it will be like making out Hot Ginge?
The city should be put on high alert now, because a crazed ginge-hongray homo will be running through the streets dry humping anything with a fiery top hoping it's Hot Ginge. That's right. Keep your Pomeranian locked up. I can't be held responsible for my actions.
Prince Hot Ginge will be visiting NYC on official business! On May 30th, he will take part in The Veuve Clicquot Manhattan Polo Classic on Governors Island. The proceeds from the match will go to Hot Ginge's charity for African orphans.
A polo match? That involves horsies, right? QUICK! We don't have much time. Print out one of Sarah Jessica Parker's headshots, cut out the eyes (this is important) and make it into a little mask. Then get me 2 pairs of these shoes. I already have the saddle (DON'T JUDGE). Then I'll have to find a way to slip Prince Hot Ginge's horse a GHB-laced sugar cube. When his horse passes out, I'll be standing there batting my lashes like I'm ready to ride!