After a week long with my lovely family and friends in the Fort of Wayne, I am back in New York!
So a little about my vacation....
I took off Friday, December 19, although my flight wasn't until Saturday. On my day off, I met up with my friend Courtney M. and her friend Dennis at a local bar, had some vino, then went to Magnolia's for some dessert. Twas a lovely day to be with some friends, eat some coconut cake, and pack for my trip.
My flight wasn't until Saturday night at 6:45PM. Being that a snow storm hit the day before, the airport was pretty packed with people whose flights were canceled the day before and those whose flights were delayed this day. I was no exception to this. I missed my connecting flight in Chicago and ended up sleeping on an airport bench; only to wake up with a family staring at me. Nonetheless, I made it home safely.
So the rest of my week was very relaxing (thanks to my mom!). Lots of eating, watching movies, playing with the pups, shopping, and being in good company. A highlight of my week was being able to feel my cousin's baby kick in her belly. The baby is due in 2 months and the sex of the baby will be a surprise. I was also able to reunite with most of my high school/grade school friends. There's something special about being with people who have known you since the age of 5, and no matter how long you go without talking, you get together and it is as if you were never apart. The funny thing about my friends is that many of them are married, engaged, and/or have babies; something unheard of for 20 somethings in NYC.
The worst thing about my week was my visit to the dentist who told me I needed a bagillion dollars worth of dental work. I love my dad, but I don't love the genetic disposition to bad teeth. No matter how much I floss, rinse, and brush, I always end up with a laundry list of problems.
Overall, I left Ft. Wayne not sad to where I wanted to cry, but fulfilled that I had spent such a great week with those I love. I look forward to my next visit, and I hope there are many wonderful holidays to be spent together in the future.