I love a nice bag, but I cannot afford $1,000+ for a brand new one. So what do I do? I buy secondhand via consignment and/or eBay. Now people always ask, "How do you know it's real?" RESEARCH. It's easier when buying consignment because I go to reputable shops and I can see the bags with my own eyes. When buying on eBay, I always check out the seller, "What kind of feedback have they received from past buyers?, What have they sold in the past?, Does the price make sense (no luxury bag will be re-sold for pennies)?" I also make sure to only consider items that have a lot of good pictures and make sure they capture the key points of the bag (i.e. Serial number, zipper brand, any special marking particular to that brand).
A few months ago, I found, not one, but two Marc Jacobs (not Marc by Marc Jacobs) bags. They were not in perfect condition, but I got both for a wonderful deal of $400. The first bag had a minor stain on the inside of the handle (not even visible to the public) and a little tear in the inner lining. The second bag had dye transfer from the previous owner wearing something red that rubbed off on the handles.
So I asked the seller how she would fix this dye transfer issue. She told me to use Tarrago leather dye. I found this dye at
Manhattan Wardrobe Supply for a measly $5.95. There is an array of colors, and I was fortunate to find a close match to this greyish-blue color. This was the easiest fix! Basically, all you do is take the Preparer and rub it on the area you plan to dye with a sponge. Then you shake up the dye and brush it on. That's it! So now my once-red handles are no more.
So let this be a lesson to all you shoppers.....you can get a great deal on slightly damaged goods. With a little patience and time, you can wear designer items at a fraction of the cost.