(Image via ivillage)
cholo | ||
A cholo is term implying a Hispanic male that typically dresses in chinos (khahki pants), a wifebeater sleeveless teeshirt or a flannel shirt with only the top buttoned, a hairnet, or with a bandana around the forehead, usually halfway down over the eyes. Cholos often have black ink tattoos, commonly involving Catholic imagery, or calligraphy messages or family names. Cholos often drive low riders. A farcical example of a cholo from the movies is Cheech, from Cheech and Chong. | ||
2. | cholo | |
1) Mexican Gangster 2) Mexican Gangster Style 1) "My homeboy got shot up but some cholos from Norte." OR "I'm cruisin' the eastside with a couple cholos." 2) "Hey ese, check out that vato over there looking all cholo." |
Somewhere out there beneath the pale moonlightYes, I know my family is thinking of me, when I think of them, and we are all thinking of each other at the same time. I love them and miss them dearly.
Someone's thinking of me and loving me tonight
Somewhere out there someone's saying a prayer
That we'll find one another in that big somewhere out there
And even though I know how very far apart we are
It helps to think we might be wishing on the same bright star
Dear Brüno, I am all in favor of protecting the animals, but what is reasonable? I won’t wear fur, but do I need to give up my leather jackets or shoes?
Ich vant to make it clear: Brüno ist totally against vearing fur—it’s too expensive und high-maintenance. I mean, vhy don’t giant pandas have a label on zem saying zey’re not machine vashable? Regarding shoes und jackets, if you vant to be ein Leatherboy, zat’s fine.
Dear Brüno, if forced to choose: Dolce or Gabbana?
Gabbana. Dolce is bald, so zere’s no hair to grab hold of.
(Image via Dlisted, interview via The Bruno Movie)